World Aids Day in Hungary | 1 Dec 2016


Hungarian Red Cross has conducted an online round and also a final round in Budapest for youth people who are interested in the topic. All together Hungarian RC have reached approximately 200 youngsters with this competition.

Also Hungarian RC have organised an open event and a commemoration of the World AIDS Day with other NGOs and GOs to raise awareness and to decimate stigmatisation which also the media showed interest in.


As planned we had an active facebook campaign about our project. We created an event which have not only been shared by many volunteers and people from our partner organisations but also by a very famous magazine and an even more famous actor/theatre director. Also there was one radio interview before the event and two major TV stations have also recorded on the venue.

Hungarian RC Volunteer

Hungarian RC have been able to contact one of the most popular sauna in Budapest for MSM and they have been able to provide a few hundred condoms for them and in return they have put out poster for the event of 1 Dec World Aids Day.
Volunteers managed to create a so called living-library where people living with HIV (including MSM and how long for cialis to work even a grandmother) have came and offered the chance to share their stories with the people who were opened for it.

All together an approximately of 150 people attended events dedicated to 1 Dec and managed to reach out to realviagraforsale-rxonline another 400 people through fliers and posters.

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