Report of the meeting of the Partnership on Substance Abuse held in Vienna

Dear colleagues,

on behalf of the Partnership on Substance abuse, we are glad to send you the report of the Partnership meeting that was held in Vienna on 13 March. 

The document includes the main conclusions of the meeting as well as the recommendations for the Partnership and for the National Societies on how to strengthen and promote further the role of Red Cross and Red Crescent in the field of drug abuse.

We would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of the Partnership in encouraging and supporting National Societies in addressing the problems related to drug abuse at country levels.

Moreover, we encourage National Societies to take an active role in the development of the Partnership through the establishment of regional networks and the set up of a core group of RCRC NSs, who will be actively involved in the planning and dissemination of the Partnership’s activities. Partnership Meeting_Report

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