Invitation: UNODC 65th CND side event on March 14 – Rome Consensus 2.0 towards a Humanitarian Drug Policy

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to join “Police and Drug Treatment Together: the Global Emergence of Deflection as a Humanitarian Crime Reduction Approach to Drugs” side event during the 65th UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna on March 14th at 1:10 PM (CET).

The online panel is organized, within the Rome Consensus 2.0 framework by Chicago Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities TASC., and The Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative PTACC.
The event is co-sponsored by:

Register here to join the event on Zoom:

You will receive soon another invitation to join a side eventorganized by the Italian Government. The online event will take place on Tuesday, 15th March at 11.10PM (CET) and will focus on “The Humanitarian approach to drug policy: opportunities and challenges for effective cooperation between public authorities and health-based organizations”.
The Italian Minister in charge of National Drug Policy, Ms. Fabiana Dadone will deliver the opening speech. The panel is co-sponsored by:

  • Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
  • Dr. Massimo Barra, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC)
  • World Health Organization
  • Pompidou Group Council of Europe
  • Republic of Ecuador
  • Republic of Kenya
  • PalCHASE University of Cambridge

During the panel, the Rome Consensus 2.0 initiative will be presented as a good practice of effective cooperation between government and CSOs.


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  • Invite the Rome Consensus 2.0 partners to join your events as panelists!
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Rome Consensus 2.0 is a Humanitarian Drug Policy alliance, a call from professionals to governments to make urgent moves towards health and human rights based approaches. The Humanitarian Drug Policy’s primary objective is to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain human dignity by fighting social, legal and cultural criminalization of
people who use drugs.

Help us to spread the Rome Consensus 2.0 towards a #HumanitarianDrugPolicy by signing our declaration:

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