Activities dedicated towards 1 December | Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society


Activities of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society  dedicated towards 1 December- World AIDS Day 

Throughout the year, within the framework of “Community based health” program the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society  the activities are  dedicated with 1 December- World AIDS Day in  were organized events and seminars in Baku and regions of Azerbaijan. This year’s theme is “My health, my right”. The events conducted under this theme are aimed at attracting attention to the right of everyone to be healthy. Everyone regardless of who they are or where they live, has a right to health.

The  seminar was carried out on   November 29, 2017  as a result of the cooperation of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Youth Committee, Youth and Volunteers, Disaster Preparedness and Response, Health and Care Departments, AzRC Gusar Local Branch and National AIDS Center in the vocational lyceum of Gusar district. The event was also attended by Mr. Max Santner, HoCCT/Head of IFRC Delegation in Tbilisi for South Caucasus.

Within the framework of “Community based health” program conducts regular promotional events and meetings with and seminars for migrants from different countries living in Baku city. Topics of these seminars include: healthy life style, first aid, psychological assistance, infectious diseases, breast feeding and etc.

So, in connection with “1Ddecember World AIDS Day conducted   in the office  for migrants UNHCR in Baku. Azerbaijan language course teacher and an employee of “Migration” department Sona Hajiyeva and a leader of Afghan community Mrs. Mehriban (she was interpreting for migrants during the seminar) also participated in the seminar.

Next  event devoted to World AIDS Day was held in the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction. The Youth Organization of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction provided an organizational support to the event.

The participants  of  all seminars were informed about the topic presented  on statistics on HIV infected persons and people living with AIDS around the world including the Republic of Azerbaijan, the ways of transmission of HIV/AIDS, preventive measures for HIV/AIDS, treatment programs on AIDS by the specialist of the National AIDS Center and coordinator of “Community based health “ program of the AzRCS Matanat Garakganova. The participants thanked the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society for this interesting seminars.

 As continuation of the event, the youth passed through blood express tests organized by the National AIDS center, and the answers were HIV negative. It should be noted that more than 300 students and teachers participated in the event.  The event was widely covered by the media.

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