The 28th July – World Hepatitis Day in Baku

World Hepatitis Day was marked in Baku city. As is known, 28 July – World Hepatitis Day is marked all around the world. With active involvement of the staff of its “Health and Care” department and through its district committees the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society celebrates annually World Hepatitis Day in Azerbaijan as well. This year also, from 25 to 28 July 2016 World Hepatitis Day was celebrated in Baku city.

Thus “Community based health” program manager of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society Dr. Matanat Karakhanova together with representatives of Sabunchu district committee of the Az.RC (Elmira Malikova –chairwoman and Shovkat Zeynalova – a specialist for the work with communities) conducteda number of health promotion activities such as meetings in several communities: in a hostel where refugees from Nagorniy Karabakh reside, in Youth center of “SOS-Children Azerbaijan” project where young people deprived of their families and homes reside, as well as among social employees, volunteers of Sabunchu district committee of the Az.RC. During these meetings the member of communities were informed on hepatitis, its preventive measures with the using materials provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). Also a survey was conducted among 156 participants to learn the level of their awareness on hepatitis disease. (The survey was prepared by the WHO and posted on web-site of WHO). The results of the survey showed that 80 %of respondents think that a person can be infected with Hepatitis B and C virus while passing unsafe medical checkup, 95% of respondents think that chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. 87 %of respondents noted that only 50% of hepatitis infected people know about their disease and that only 5% of people can be treated from hepatitis disease. However, according to information provided by the WHO in 95 % of all cases of hepatitis any person can be successfully treated if he/she timely receives are levant treatment .During the conducted events some of participants told stories on hepatitis from the lives of their near relatives and friends. There were cases of death from hepatitis among these people, but there were also many cases of successful treatment from hepatitis, This proves once again that any person can be treated from hepatitis if he/she see timely a physician and receive a relevant treatment.


The awareness raising events on hepatitis conducted for community members including promotion of healthy life style promote to an increase of awareness of population on diseases. And this in its turn encourages people to see timely physicians in order to receive a medical assistance.


During the current year it is envisaged to conduct similar events in other regions of Azerbaijan.

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