Slovenian Red Cross

Background information:

Slovenia is a small country with a low-density population of about 2 million. Communicable diseases are well controlled. HIV prevalence is low (less than 1 per 1000 inhabitants). The Government focuses on reducing non-communicable diseases; the national strategy on HIV/AIDS was developed in 2009. TB in Slovenia almost does not exist.

The Slovenian Red Cross activities related to AIDS consist mostly of Reduction of stigma and discrimination and health education. According to national strategy of AIDS prevention 2010 – 2015, NGO and civil society organizations have to be involved in the creation and implementation of national strategy. NGOs, including the SRC, are planned to be in the national AIDS commission.

The SRC is not included in the direct care and support for Drug Users. Support is given by the organized Health care services: 1/3 of the country is covered by mobile/street units; 3 night shelters; HIV and TB VC test is accessible in the public health centers and two NGOs – SKUC Magnus and Legebitra; Psycho-social support is acessible in 12 harm reduction centres; medical care in 19 Methadone treatment centers and in 65 public health centers; 19 Methadone treatment centers and in 1 hospital centre; 10 therapeutic communities.

One of the biggest obstacles in the domain HIV and TB is insufficient cooperation between different governmental sectors (for instance between the   Ministry for health and the Ministry of schooling and sport); between the government and NGO-s and NGO-s themselves. NGOs have to compete for governmental money which causes low collaboration between them. In June 2012 Slovenian Public Health Institute prepared the strategic document on health as an integral part of all policies. It is also the basic document for the Humanitarian diplomacy of Slovenian Red Cross in the domain of HIV/aids and TB prevention and care.

Mapping of
National Society Activities
HIV and AIDSHarm ReductionTuberculosis
PreventionHIVAIDS activities (such as workshops and lectures aimed at informing and raising the awareness, media activities, distribution of HIVAIDS prevention materials) in local branches started in the beginning of 90’s.Due to the low prevalence of TB we are not involved in TB programs/projects
CounsellingCounselling is done mostly by organizations of PLWH. 
AdvocacySince 2000 we have been included in the National World AIDS campaign, coordinated by the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia. Our main partner is the AIDS Foundation Robert, the most recognized NGO in this field in SloveniaSince 2003 we have been advocating, promoting and actively supporting development of harm reduction programs
Partners/ NetworkingERNA, National Institute of Public Health and its 9 regional institutes. SRC works also together with AIDS Foundation Robert and CARS – Centre for AIDS prevention and vulnerable groups 
Best practicesDe-stigmatization workshops in primary schools done by more than 300 teachers and multipliers.
(information which, in your opinion, is also important)Slovenian RC activities during each year’s November and during World AISD Day.
Contact person(s)

Mr. Ciril Klajnscek

Health & Social Affairs Manager

Telephone: +386 1 24 14 306

Mobile: 386 41 658 500


Mr. Ciril Klajnscek

Health & Social Affairs Manager

Telephone: +386 1 24 14 306

Mobile: 386 41 658 500


Mr. Ciril Klajnscek

Health & Social Affairs Manager

Telephone: +386 1 24 14 306

Mobile: 386 41 658 500



Slovenian Red Cross
ERNA Contact InformationHeadHeadERNA Contact PersonERNA Contact Person
Name Surname  Franc KosirDanijel StarmanCiril KlajnscekTina Nemanic
Role in the National Society  PresidentSecretary GeneralHealth and Social Affair managerYouth and Volunteers  manager
Phone numbers  (386) (1) 2414320(386) (1) 2414352+ 386 1 24 14 306
+ 386 41 658 500
+ 386)  1 24 14 318
+ 386  51 678 052
Fax  + 386 1 2414 344+ 386 1 2414 344+ 386 1 2414 344+ 386 1 2414 344
Post address  Mirje 19, 1000 LjubljanaMirje 19, 1000 LjubljanaMirje 19, 1000 LjubljanaMirje 19, 1000 Ljubljana