Croatian Red Cross

Background information: In compliance with the decision made by the General Assembly, within the Croatian Red Cross there are:- 110 Municipality and City branches of Red Cross and- 20 County branches of Red Cross that are separate legal entities.Within Health Department since 1950 CRC is conducting public health activities (including blood donation, first aid, disaster preparedness, and tuberculoses). Since 1990 public health activities targeted to HIV/AIDS and Harm Reduction, since 2006 health activities targeted to hepatitis C.Croatian Red Cross is a full member of National HIV/AIDS Commission of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. All activities linked to HIV/AIDS are implemented in compliance with the National strategy coordinated by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.Harm Reduction programs are part of the public health activities adopted by the Croatian Parliament in 1996, and supported by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

Mapping ofNational Society ActivitiesHIV and AIDSHarm Reduction
PreventionHIV/AIDS programs since 1998.Education, leaflets, video clips about HIV/AIDS (in cooperation with Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Education).Prevention covers primary and secondary schools, universities, army, police.Harm Reduction programs (4 of Croatian Red Cross, 4 provided through NGO in Croatia).HIV and hepatitis C rapid test testing in cooperation with national system of Public Health Institutes.
CounselingRe-socialization and anti stigma campaign – CAHIV – Association PLWHA in Croatia; they also give psychological support and legal help (if needed).Testing  (including pre and post testing counseling of IDU active population), psychotherapy.
CareTreatment with multitherapy – Clinic for Infectious Diseases Zagreb, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.All services are free of charge – covered with National health insurance company.(Done by other partners, but in close partnership with all national partners.)Croatian Red Cross doesn’t provide active care of PLWHA.Psychotherapy, working therapy, supportive programs targeted to resocialization. Cooperation with psychiatrist responsible for active treatment of IDU.
Advocacy1st of December activities – in whole country, covered by he national TV, Ministries, governmentAdvocacy is provided in daily work in HR programs.
Partners/ NetworkingMinistry of Health and Social Welfare, Institute of Public Health, Clinic for Infectious Diseases Zagreb, ERNA, CAHIV.Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Office for Combating Narcotic Drug Abuse, Villa Maraini Foundation, Italian Red Cross, ERNA, CAHIV.
Best practicesActive cooperation with CAHIV (includes hepatitis C and HIV anonymous testing and counseling).HR programs, public health activities (Drug Awareness Campaign of CRC). Support and help to other National Societies in establishing HR activities (Macedonian Red Cross; active ERNA membership, part of training team for HR of “Villa Maraini”, Rome, Italy, of Italian Red Cross)
(information which, in your opinion, is also important)  
Contact person(s)Sinisa Zovko, M.D. PhD.Sinisa Zovko, M.D. PhD.

The Croatian Red Cross, National Society, 2011

Mapping of National Society ActivitiesTuberculosis (TB)
Prevention– organizing educational lectures/ tribunes/ workshops for children at primary and high schools, and also for adults in the assistance of medical experts (CRC volunteer’s) from the Health centres, hospitals and Public health institutions- production and distribution of educational posters and brochures/ 10000 for the general public- collaboration with media to increase public awareness on TB disease and prevention
Counselling– Ministry of Health and Social Care: “National Strategy for the prevention and fight against TB”- cooperation with Public health institutions, Centres and Hospitals for lung and TB diseases- commitment of CRC in dealing with TB issue in the country
Care– visiting TB patients at home and in hospitals- assisting the social aspect of TB presence through Home care program visits in the areas of Special state concern (after the Homeland War)- caring for the patients who live outside the towns and villages surrounding- distributed food and hygiene parcels and presents (accessories) to TB patients
Advocacy– traditionally CRC dedicates every year “TB Week”, 14 – 21 September with special attention to fight against TB and to contribute to TB control and prevention in the country- to ensure that anti-stigma and discrimination campaign of TB affected persons received attention through the whole year- every year marking World TB Day
Partners/ Networking– providing all activities in cooperation with the huge network of 110 local Red Cross branches, volunteers and local health institutions
Best practices– CRC government assistant and support to public health activities on TB prevention and disease- identifying TB vulnerable people in the community- caring for the TB patients in social need
(information which, in your opinion is also important)– TB incidence in Croatia=19/ 100000 inhabitants- MDR-TB and XDR- TB – very low incidence- DOTS accepted by WHO
Contact personVijorka Roseg, MD, MPHSenior Health Officer
The CRC activities in 2010
education on TB prevention and disease
primary and high schools/ numberlectures – tribunes/ numberadult participants/ numberchildren and youth participants/ number
visitors at public events/ number=8430
media promotion
articles in newspapers/ number=441interviews on radio/ number=37interviews on TV/ number=8
visit patients at home and hospitals/ number=694

The Croatian Red Cross, National Society, 2011


Croatian Red Cross 
ERNA Contact InformationHeadHeadERNA Contact Person for HIV/AIDS and Harm ReductionERNA Contact Person for TB
Name SurnameJosip Jelić, M.D.Nenad Javornik, M.D. PhD.Siniša Zovko, M.D. PhD.Vijorka Roseg, M.D., MPH
Role in the National SocietyPresidentExecutive PresidentCoordinator of Medical Programs  and Health Activities, Harm Reduction ExpertSenior Health officer
Phone numbers+385 1 4655 365+385 1 4655 365/123+385 1 4655 365/113+ 385 1 4923 179
Fax+385 1 4655 365+385 1 4655 365+385 1 4655 365+ 385 1 4923 179
Post addressUlica Crvenog kriza 14, 10001 ZagrebUlica Crvenog kriza 14, 10001 ZagrebUlica Crvenog kriza 14, 10001 ZagrebUlica Crvenog kriza 14, 10001 Zagreb