“Stop HIV – choose a healthy lifestyle!”: Kyrgyzstan

“Stop HIV – choose a healthy lifestyle!”: Kyrgyzstan

December; 1: ice arena of Bishkek Park Trade Center hosted an event to mark the World AIDS Day.


The aim of for this promotion is to attract public attention to the problem of the spread of HIV. The action was organized due to the funds of the grant that has been distributed in the framework of ERNA.

Informing the public about how to protect themselves from the human immunodeficiency virus – an important step in the fight against infection. As an alternative the organizers offer to people to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In this regard, the event was supported by the figure skaters from City ice rink, who presented an ice show, specially prepared for this event. Besides figure skaters, the event was supported by the group Kairos and dance studio Let’s dance and other artists.

And also during the event, specialists Kyrgyz Red Crescent carried out express test for HIV and other infections. So during the event for HIV were tested about 40 people.


In general, according to the National Center of “AIDS” in the October 2015 registered PLWHA 6285, while for 2014 it was registered 5686 HIV-infected. On average, more than canadian pharmacy in leesburg fl 50% of HIV-infected are injecting drug users, but in recent years there are increasing cases of detection of HIV infection among the general population. This indicates that HIV infection is beyond the scope of certain risk groups, and nowadays it’s not transmitted by injection but by sexual transmission it is threatening the society in general.

In 2014, the death rate from HIV infection was 1047 people, of them 330 people were at the stage of AIDS.

For more than 15 years of Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan works as a support structure, assisting government agencies in the implementation of the National Programme “Tuberculosis” and “HIV / AIDS”. Red Crescent activities targeting vulnerable groups, that facilitates and complements the work of state institutions.

For example, in field of HIV prevention, Red Crescent Society of Kyrgyzstan took the role of organizer and executor of activities of mobile diagnostic systems that perform a free examination of residents of distant villages and new buildings, where the access to healthcare services is unavailable or impeded. Express testing helps to significantly reduce the risks due to early detection and timely initiation of treatment of HIV-infected.

Statistical data for the work of mobile clinics in Osh and Chui region:

The coverage the target group in September 2014- October 2015 amounted to 24430 migrants and members of their families;

Mobile facilities for the entire period of work covered 16,044 people.

  • HIV: were examined 5432 human of them were detected 11 people with positive result.
  • Syphilis: were examined 4927 people, 73 people were detected with positive result.
  • Hepatitis B: were examined 5795 people, of them 113 people have positive result.
  • Hepatitis C were examined 5402 people, of them 142 people have positive result.

Total discount pharmacy for this period were examined 119 localities Chui region and 57 in Osh region. Should also be noted that such measures aimed at informing people about HIV / AIDS, have covered the whole country.

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