Meeting on the Strategic Planning for ERNA, which took place in Riga, Latvia on 11-12 february of 2016

Meeting of the European RC/RC Network on HIV, AIDS and TB for Strategic Planning was held in capital of Latvia. Attended by 21 representatives of the National Societies in Europe and Central Asia.

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The key point for the meeting was development of ERNA strategy . Meeting members two days were discussing and developing direction of ERNA strategy, its vision and goals.

Participant were divided to discuss following strategic directions:

  • Ensuring information sharing between NSs

One of the main opportunities of the network is information and experience sharing between members and partners through different channels of communication.

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  • Consultative and technical support for the NSs

Effective implementation and efficient optimization of HIV, TB and Hepatitis C programmes in the respective countries with consideration of situation on local level comprises more technical and expertized support in HIV, TB and Hepatitis C. It gives more opportunity to develop joint programs with greater involvement of disadvantaged population. Under this direction technical expertise as program development, management, resource mobilization, advocacy, human rights, humanitarian diplomacy and pragmatic as TB, HIV, Harm reduction, Hepatitis C included and not limited.

  • Facilitation of regional and global partnership

ERNA contributes in development of unity in preventing and ending challenges through partnership, which is one of the cornerstone of networking with other key stakeholders (UN agencies, e.g., WHO, GFATM, STOP TB partnership), community and civil society agencies, corporate sector etc. ERNA positions itself as common (unified) voice of National Societies to actively participate in regional and international platforms (conferences, forums, online discussions, mass media, social media, etc.).

  • Advocacy role to work with decision makers

For ERNA advocacy consist on global, regional and national levels where NSs using their axillary role strengthening work with Governments, Authorities and all relevant stakeholders in raising voices of disadvantage population, improving people’s lives and provision of good practices of NSs work in addressing HIV, TB and Hepatitis C challenges, discussion of best models and monitoring of strategic actions to make a decisive difference for people.


The meeting ended with acceptance of the draft Strategy for the ERNA, which in the future will be adjusted and corrected by representatives of the National Societies and Board Members.

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