The 18th General Meeting of the European Red Cross and Red Crescent Network on HIV, AIDS and TB in the capital of the Kyrgyz Republic brought together representatives of more than 20 national societies in Europe and Asia.

Kyrgyzstan is the Secretariat of the Network, and in 2015 members of ERNA, as well as colleagues from the Asia-Pacific region had the opportunity to meet again and discuss the development and operation of the network.
The key point for the meeting was the future of ERNA. Two full days the participants dedicated themselves to debate, group work and sharing of experiences on ERNA future.

The work was conducted using the technology of “Open Space”, which allowed each of the participants to present as a leader in addressing a particular issue. And if in the beginning of the meeting the question was: “Do we need ERNA?», by the end of the second day of the meeting, each of the participants not only recognized the importance of the network, but also could see a personal role in the development of the ERNA.

It is important to note that the meeting attended by distinguished guests and the public sector, represented by the Vice Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic D.Niyazalieva, as well as Deputy Minister of Health O.Gorin.
The meeting ended with the election of the President of ERNA. According to the results, the current president of the network Fabio Patruno will be replaced by Massimo Barra. The director of the Latvian Red Cross will execute the role of ERNA vice-president.