International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking,

On this occasion, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs  of United Nations organized  a Special Event entitled “Evidence to Impact: Powering Effective Drug Policies with Data Collection and Research” during which the President of ERNA, Mauro Patti, expert on humanitarian drug policy of Italian Red Cross/Villa Maraini, was shortlisted to deliver a Plenary speech. A further opportunity to mention the global alliance of the Rome Consensus 2.0 and the Red Cross/Red Crescent humanitarian mission to address substance abuse and mental health by facilitating the access to treatment for people with addictions, specially the most marginalized ones, and/or affected by Hepatitis, TB, HIV/AIDS.

During the event the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report was launched to monitor the complex situation of drugs in the world. The statement video of the President Patti, addressing the Members States of UN below.



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