French Red Cross

Providing a place to live and receive treatment for drug users released from prison:

The Pierre Nicole Center (French Red Cross) provides to released drug users a place to live where they can receive care and a complete follow-up soon after leaving jail. Thanks to this specific program, they benefit from a hotel room or a place in the inpatient unit, free of charge. They are provided psychological support, physical or medical treatment in accordance with their addiction.

This program aims to prevent any relapse, since many drug users do not have any place to stay when they are discharged from jail that often leads them to repeat their delinquent behaviour and consequently go to jail again.

When they are homeless, they can not have access to HIV, tuberculosis or hepatitis treatment. People, attended by the Pierre Nicole Center (more than 100 in 2010), can receive full treatment of their infectious diseases and drug addiction. It is important to note that crime rates have fallen.

The Pierre Nicole Center website:

HIV activities:

HIV/AIDS activities in Democratic Republic of the Congo (in French)

Nutrition and HIV/AIDS consultation in the Central African Republic, Bangui (in French)

HIV/AIDS and drug addiction programme in Ukraine, Kiev, Zaporizhzhya, Melitopol et Chernivtsy (in French)

Outpatient treatment center in Congo, Brazzaville (in French)

Outpatient treatment center in Congo, Pointe-Noire (in French)

Air France Foundation (in French)

Outpatient treatment center in Mauritania, Nouakchott (in French)

Coordination of the network of outpatient treatment centers  in Gabon (in French)

Psychosocial support for PLHIV in Cambodia (in French)


French Red Cross

ERNA Contact Information



ERNA Contact Person

Name SurnameProf. Jean-Jacques ELEDJAM  Mr. Olivier LEBEL  Dr. Bernard Simon
Role in the National SocietyPresident  Director General  Public health coordinator
International relations department
Phone numbers(33) (1) 44431100 (24h/24h, 7 days a week)  (33) (1) 44431100 (24h/24h, 7 days a week)  +33 1 44 43 13 38 (11 52). Mobile : +33 6 74 39 87 33
Fax  (33)(1) 44431101
Post address  98 rue Didot
75694 Paris cedex 14