Bulgarian Red Cross

Background information:

Bulgaria is still a country with low HIV prevalence in the general population. However, the major risk is the possibility of rapid development of concentrated epidemics in separate groups, such as injecting drug users, men who have sex with men and sex workers. Since 1986, when HIV case registration started in the country, to the end of 2011, a total of 1473 HIV cases have been registered in Bulgaria. The annual number of newly registered HIV cases increased from 171 in 2009 to 201 in 2011. Since 2004, there has been an increase in the number of HIV cases among injecting drug users. In 2010, their number is 56 or 34% of the annual number of cases, and in 2011 – 63 (31%). The annual share of newly registered HIV cases among men who have sex with men also rose to 20% of the annual number of newly registered cases in 2010 and to 27% in 2011. Since the beginning of 2004, Programme “Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS” has been implemented with a grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFAMT). Thus, Bulgaria was successful in significantly scaling-up access to and coverage of services for HIV prevention among the groups most-at-risk (IDUs, sex workers, the Roma population, MSM and prisoners), as well as care and support for people living with HIV (source: UN AIDS Country Progress Report 2012) The Bulgarian Red Cross has a nationwide coverage in all 28 administrative regions of the country. The Bulgarian Red Cross Youth has been working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention since 1992. The national information campaigns organized around key dates related to HIV/AIDS are a hallmark of the organization and one of BRC/BRCY’s most publicly recognized activities.

Mapping of National Society ActivitiesHIV and AIDSHarm ReductionTuberculosis
Prevention– Peer-to-peer awareness raising sessions in schools, ‘out of school’ environment and social care institutions  across the country – National information campaigns for World Aids Day, Valentine’s Day, Candlelight Day, etc.– Since 2004, outreach among intravenous drug users in 2 Bulgarian cities – Russe and Kyustendil – Since 2010, BRC runs low threshold drop-in centres for IDUs in both cities. Main services provided include: – needle and syringe exchange – info materials and condom distribution – consultations on safe sexual and injecting practices – overdose prevention trainings

– TB prevention among refugees

– Free individual and group Mantoux tests.

– Information sessions about the risks and symptoms of tuberculosis several times per month.

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– Individual interviews to determine the risk of tuberculosis (special questionnaire)

CounsellingNo– The 2 drop-in centres also provide psychosocial support and services to both drug users and their families – HIV, Hepatitis B/C and STD testing and counseling

– Individual and group consultations about tuberculosis detection, symptoms, risk factors and treatment

Consultations are provided in Bulgarian, Arabic, Farsi, English and French

CareNo– Motivation and client referral to therapeutic and other services

– Free treatment for latent and active tuberculosis in the Medical Centre for Pneumophysiatric Diseases in Sofia (MCPD)

– Every high-risk person is closely monitored by a doctor and a nurse from the MCPD

– People are motivated by the team to undergo Mantoux and other examinations

– High-risk patients are being accompanied by a field worker to the MCPD.

AdvocacyAnti-stigma campaigns in support of people living with HIV/AIDSNational anti-stigma campaign in 17 Bulgarian cities (2010) 
Partners/ NetworkingInternational: member of ERNA since its inception – National: Ministry of HealthHIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Programme, funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria; NGOsInternational: member of the Rome Consensus for Humanitarian Drug Policy since its inception – National: Ministry of HealthHIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Programme; NGOs

– Ministry of Health

– State Agency for Refugees

– Medical Centre for Pneumophysiatric Diseases in Sofia (MCPD)

Best practices– Published Peer-to-peer education manual – Talking About AIDS – Agreement with the Ministry of Education allowing access for peer education sessions of BRC Youth volunteers across the country – Health promotion in social care institutions for childrenHarm Reduction Best practices Manual in Bulgarian (as part of the project Improving Harm Reduction Strategies, a Red Cross Approach in Europe) – Extensive outreach work in the Roma community in the town of Kyustendil – National anti-stigma campaign (2010) – Overdose prevention trainings and leaflet

– providing consultations in several languages

– involvement of the refugee communities in Sofia

– working in pairs (interviewer and translator)

– performing interviews in neighbourhoods with high concentration of refugee population

– involvement of the medical staff of the State Agency for Refugees

(information which, in your opinion, is also important) BRC was a partner organization in the EC funded project Improving Harm Reduction Strategies, a Red Cross Approach in Europe (2009-2010) together with Villa Maraini, Italian, French, Portuguese, Latvian, Croation and Macedonian Red Cross. 
Contact person(s)

Milena Ivanova

Health Promotion Expert

Youth Department

76, James Boucher Blvd Sofia 1407

Tel. + 359 2 81 64 888

Fax: + 359 2 81 64 780


Milena Ivanova

Health Promotion Expert

Youth Department

76, James Boucher Blvd Sofia 1407

Tel. + 359 2 81 64 888

Fax: + 359 2 81 64 780


– Jivka Dimitrova, MD


Health Policy and First Aid



– Mariana Stoyanova (Head) Vladimir Panov (Social Worker) BRC Refugee and Migrant Service m.stoyanova@redcross.bg


 Bulgarian Red Cross
ERNA Contact InformationHeadHeadERNA Contact Person
Name SurnameHristo GrigorovAssoc.  Prof.  Krassimir  GigovMilena Ivanova
Role in the National SocietyPresidentSecretary GeneralHealth Promotion Expert Youth Department
Phone numbers+ 359 2/ 81 64 701+ 359 2/ 81 64 703+ 359 2/81 64 888
Fax+ 359 2/ 865 74 91+ 359 2/ 81 64 611+ 359 2/81 64 780
Post address76, James Boucher Blvd. Sofia 1407 Bulgaria76, James Boucher Blvd. Sofia 1407 Bulgaria76, James Boucher Blvd. Sofia 1407 Bulgaria