Management of opioid overdose in the street by non-medical staff | Side event during the 60th Commission on Narcotic Drugs 2018

side event
ERNA proud to present publication on overdose interventions (which include recommendations and the outcome of a research on street intervention for overdose) written by the Partnership on Substance Abuse: Villa Maraini, Italian RC and IFRC.
This publication will be presented during a Side Event at the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND the  governing body of the UNODC) in Vienna on 16th of March.

This event aims to raise awareness on the problem of drug overdose deaths and promote the use of naloxone in outreach and harm reduction services by non-medical staff (former drug users, social workers etc.).
Venue and time: Friday, 16th March 2018, 14:20-15:10, Conference Room M6, Vienna International Center, Vienna, Austria.
Session Plan:
  • Welcome speech by Dr. Massimo Barra, Chairman of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Partnership on Substance Abuse – moderator.
  • Welcome speech by H.E. Maria Assunta Accili, Permanent Representative of Italy to the International Organizations in Vienna.
  • Video clip on a practical overdose intervention by the “Street Unit“ of Villa Maraini Foundation.
  • Overview of overdose intervention strategies and programmes in Europe, Dr. Danilo Ballotta EMCDDA and Ms. Ilonka Horvath,
    Austrian Retox Focal Point.
  • The engagement of IFRC in the field of overdose prevention, Dr. Lasha Goguadze, IFRC.
  • Management of overdose in the street by former drug users, Dr. Giovanni F.M. Direnzo, MD resident in medical toxicology of
    “La Sapienza” University of Rome.
  • Questions, discussions and conclusions.
Please find attached publication – Management of opioid overdose in the street by non-medical staff

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