28 July – World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day

The campaign for the Day of fight against viral hepatitis was held on July 28 in Bishkek. Organized by the National Red Crescent Society of the Kyrgyz Republic together with the ERNA Secretariat. The action was carried out to collect blood, during which all donors have been free tests for Hepatitis. The venue of the action was the Republican Blood Center.


>>>Hepatitis recognized a major threat to humanity, every year from the disease killed 1.45 million people

Researchers from Imperial College London and the University of Washington found that viral hepatitis has become a major cause of death and disability around the globe. The disease has risen in line with tuberculosis, malaria and HIV. This writes Lenta.ru.

The researchers analyzed data from 183 countries, gathered in the period from 1990 to 2013. It is known that hepatitis exists in five ways – A, B, C, D and E – and can be transmitted through bodily fluids, as well as food and drink via contaminated feces. According to the study, most of the perpetrators of the deaths – 96% – were hepatitis viruses B and C, which cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. Symptoms include fatigue, jaundice and nausea, but in most people the infection is asymptomatic until serious complications arise.

The number of deaths due to viral hepatitis for the 23-year period increased by 63%. Mortality was higher in high- and middle-income countries than in low-wage countries. Every year, the disease killed 1.45 million people, while the number of deaths from tuberculosis and malaria has decreased since 1990. For comparison, in 2013 AIDS killed 1.3 million people, 1.4 million of tuberculosis and 855 thousand. Malaria. In most of the population suffers from hepatitis East Asia.

Scientists estimate that the number of lost Hepatitis years of life, which is obtained by subtracting from the maximum possible life expectancy age of death, only in 2013 was 41 million. The researchers believe that the need to take international action and improve the modern world the health care system to address this global problem.

>>> https://lenta.ru/news/2016/07/07/hepatit/

>>>WHO: Urgent action is needed to reduce mortality from viral hepatitis

On the eve of World Hepatitis Day on July 28, the World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries to take urgent measures to raise awareness about the disease and access to services for diagnosis and treatment. At present, about his illness knows only one in 20 infected with viral hepatitis, and only 1 out of 100 received treatment. This was reported on the WHO website.

“The world, to his misfortune, has long left the problem of hepatitis without attention”, – said the WHO Director-General Margaret Chan.

According to her, it’s time to mobilize a global response to combat hepatitis in the same scale, in which it has been made with regard to other infectious diseases such as HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis.

In the world of hepatitis B and C infected 400 million people, which is more than 10 times the number of people living with HIV. It is estimated that in 2013, hepatitis killed 1.45 million people. In 1990 this figure was less than 1 million.

In May 2016 the World Health Assembly, 194 countries have adopted the first-ever global health-sector strategy to fight viral hepatitis and coordinated the first-ever set of global targets. So, the strategy includes the task of ensuring treatment for hepatitis B or C to 8 million by 2020. The longer-term goal – by 2030 to reduce the number of new cases of infection with viral hepatitis by 90% and reduce the number of deaths from it by 65% compared with the level in 2016.

The strategy looks very bold, but we already have the tools to achieve its goals. Efficient vaccines and drugs against hepatitis B vaccine for hepatitis C is not, however, a huge advance in the treatment of this disease has been made over the past few years. The appearance of oral preparations, the so-called direct action of antiviral drugs, makes it possible to cure over 90% of patients treated for 2-3 months. However, in many countries the existing policy, legal and regulatory provisions and the prices for medicines lead to the fact that the cure of the disease is not affordable for most people.

“In order to prevent futile deaths from hepatitis B, we need to act immediately. This requires a rapid expansion of access for all who need care and medications, “- noted the director of WHO’s Department of HIV / AIDS and the Global Programme to combat hepatitis, Dr. Gottfried Hirnshal.

Expanding access to treatment

Nevertheless, some countries have been able to ensure patients receive the treatment they need. This contributes to a sharp decline in prices for medicines against hepatitis C, particularly in countries where the market there are generic drugs. According to preliminary data in 2015 in low- and middle-income 300 thousand. People have been treated for hepatitis C with the use of antiviral drugs direct action.

In Egypt – a country with a lower middle-income and one of the highest rates of prevalence of hepatitis C – for the last 12 months of treatment received 200 thousand people, and the price per course of treatment of one patient from hepatitis C has decreased from $ 900 in 2014.. to less than US $ 200 in 2016. In several other countries were also stepped up efforts to combat hepatitis C. In Brazil and Pakistan rapidly expanding service coverage for the treatment of hepatitis, and Georgia announced preparation of its liquidation plan.

Prevention of hepatitis

Hepatitis B and C are transmitted through infected blood and by contaminated needles and syringes in health care settings and among people who inject drugs. Viruses can also be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and from an infected mother to the newborn child.

As of 2014 in 184 countries, vaccination of infants against hepatitis B is included in the immunization schedule and covers 82% of the children. Thus, there is a huge increase in coverage: in 1992, when the World Health Assembly adopted a resolution which recommended the adoption of a global plan for vaccination against hepatitis B, these countries was only 31.

In addition, the implementation of blood safety strategies, including appropriate standards of quality screening of all donated blood and blood components intended for transfusion, can help prevent transmission of hepatitis B and C. The practice of safe injection practices, the rejection of unnecessary and unsafe injections – all these measures may be effective for the prevention of transmission. The most important step to reduce the prevalence of hepatitis C among people who inject drugs is to provide services to them to mitigate the harm of drug addiction. Safer sex practices, including reducing the number of sexual partners and use barrier protection (condoms) also helps protect against the transmission of infection.


>>>In Kyrgyzstan in 2016 it has been an increase of viral hepatitis, HIV and tuberculosis

In Kyrgyzstan in 2016 on the rise of hepatitis, tuberculosis and HIV. This was reported in the Bulletin of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological and disease prevention.

By, registered 930 (15.6) According to the ministry, the incidence of tuberculosis has increased by 5.4% versus 862 (14.8) in 2015. The highest rates are found in Chui (22.4), Batken (17.5) oblasts and in Bishkek (17.0).

There is an increased incidence of viral hepatitis by 10.1% compared to the same period last year. Registered 2 thousand. 84 cases (35.0) per 1 thousand. 857 cases (31.8) in 2015. In the structure of viral hepatitis 95.5% of viral hepatitis A. The highest incidence recorded in Batken (70.8), Talas (48.2), Osh (44.5) and Jalalabad (37.7) regions, exceeding republic figure 2 times, 37.7%, 27.1% and 7.7%, respectively.

At the 13.3% increase in the total number of HIV-infected, registered 104 cases (1.7) against 88 cases (1.5) in 2015. The highest incidence rates are found in the Chui region (4.0) and Osh (2.9) and Bishkek (2.0).


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