20th ERNA Annual General Meeting which will be held on October 8-11 of 2019, hosted by the Luxembourg Red Cross in Luxembourg city.

The ERNA Regional RCRC Network has started its activities in 1998. We have had 21 productive years bringing together 43 National Societies and many Partners and Stakeholders. ERNA changed 6 Secretariats, included 10 National Societies in the ERNA Governing Board, had 19 General Meetings, promoted different initiatives, shared good practices and helped strengthen National Societies’ operational capacity on HIV/AIDS, TB and other Communicable Diseases.

Please see the Draft Agenda of the upcoming ERNA General Meeting (cсылка на Программу мероприятия должна быть, в приложении также отправляю вам документ). If you have suggestions about the Agenda and would like to share experience of your NS in the field of HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C and Substance Abuse, you are more than welcome to submit concept no later than 10 September 2019 by e-mail to ERNA Secretariat erna.secreatriat@gmail.com. You can share your experience using power point presentation as well as other tools. ERNA Secretariat encourages you to bring informational, communication and other related materials that you can share with colleagues and partners during the Annual meeting. 

According to the ERNA Terms of Reference (ссылка, в приложении документ Terms of reference), Secretariat should be elected one year after the election of the ERNA Board and can be reelected. As you know, the last elections of the ERNA Board took place in 2015 for next 3 years until 2018. Due to budget constraints, ERNA could not organize the elections of the Board in 2018. Therefore, ERNA Board as well as ERNA Secretariat elections will be held during the last day of the upcoming General Meeting. Also, let us remind you that Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent Society will host ERNA Secretariat until 2020 and then will hand over the hosting to the next National Society elected at the General Meeting. In this regards, if your National Society is willing to be member of ERNA Board and host ERNA Secretariat, you are welcome to submit by e-mail to ERNA Secretariat your CVs by September 10, 2019.

Based on the ERNA Board decision ERNA reserved a limited amount of funds for NSs who are not able to cover international airfare and in-country costs in Luxembourg (accommodation, meals, hand- outs and in country travel). Please be informed that “first – come first – served” approach will be applicable. ERNA is encouraging Leaders of NSs to provide travel support to participants by their own National Societies. If you are interested in sending more than one delegate to the Meeting and can finance their participation, we warmly welcome them. We are looking forward to receive your nominations before 15 of July 2019 by sending an email to hivberodung@croix-rouge.lu and erna.secretariat@gmail.com  in copy.

Thank you in advance. Looking forward to meet and welcome you in Luxembourg.


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